Breast Biopsies
Breast biopsies come in many different forms depending on the abnormality that is noted.
Cells in our bodies are constantly growing, dividing and replacing themselves. However, sometimes upon dividing cells can create errors.
Ultrasound is an imaging technique that uses sound waves to generate a picture. This is a very good technology for identifying breast masses and cysts. Dr Burgers can perform ultrasound biopsies or aspirations in her office.
For the procedure, local anesthetic (lidocaine) is used to make the tissue numb. Using the ultrasound Dr Burgers is able to watch the sampling needle go into the lesion of interest to acquire tissue. After tissue is acquired, it is sent to the pathology lab for review.
Stereotactic biopsy is a technique using mammogram technology to take pictures of the breasts in two planes and calculate where the lesion of interest is in three dimensions. This type of biopsy is best for abnormalities only seen on mammogram, typically calcifications.
After tissue is acquired, an xray on the tissue is taken to make sure right then that the area has been appropriately sampled. It is sent to the pathology lab for review.
Punch Biopsy
Punch biopsy is a technique to take a superficial sampling of tissue. A special instrument, that is almost like a tiny tissue cookie-cutter, can capture a few millimeters of skin or superficial tissue.
Dr Burgers can perform punch biopsies in her office. For the procedure, local anesthetic (lidocaine) is used to make the tissue numb. With the punch biopsy tool, Dr Burgers is able to sample the area and she places dissolvable stitches to close the wound. After tissue is acquired, it is sent to the pathology lab for review.
Depending on the type of lesion, Dr Burgers may leave what is called a “biopsy marker” or “biopsy clip.” This is a small piece of hypo-allergenic, MRI compatible titanium that is used as a landmark. The reason for leaving the clip is so that all care providers know where the biopsy was taken. If you are curious about what the marker looks like or its size- Dr Burgers has samples she can show you in the office.
With all of the above procedures, it will take about 1 week to have the pathology results. Dr Burgers will call you directly with the results. You are able to drive yourself to and from these procedures. The breast will become slightly sore and bruised afterward, the best thing to minimize this are ice, rest and good supportive bra.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Does it hurt?
A: No. The initial injection of the numbing medicine can pinch and sting. However, it works very quickly so that during the reminder of the procedure you will not feel any pain.
Q: How long does it take?
A: These procedures take about 20 minutes.
Q: Can I drive myself?
A: Yes. Because it is done with only local anesthetic, you can drive yourself to and from the procedure.
Q: Do I need time off of work?
A: Depends on the type of work that you do, if it involves a lot of heavy lifting, pushing or pulling. If you have an office based job, you can be back to work the next day. If your work is very strenuous, you should take 48 hours off to give yourself some time to heal and minimize the discomfort that would be associated with lifting.
Q: How long until I learn the results?
A: The pathologist will carefully review your tissue and may even need to add special stains. It typically takes about 5-7 business days for the final results. Dr Burgers will contact you as soon as the results are available.
We know waiting is the hardest part and the last thing our team wants is for you to feel out of the loop. Rest assured you will be contacted in a timely manner.
Excisional Biopsy
This is a type of breast surgery. It involves removing a small portion of breast tissue to obtain a diagnosis. This may be done if a smaller biopsy yielded inconclusive results or demonstrated atypical changes in the breast tissue. Sometimes, depending on the location of a lesion and your breast anatomy, needle biopsies may not be possible, and this may be the only way to acquire tissue to obtain a diagnosis.
Dr Burgers performs this type of biopsy at Physician’s Outpatient Surgery Center or Holy Cross Hospital. It is done with anesthetics to make you more comfortable, so you will need someone to take you to and from the procedure.
We look forward to meeting you!
Dr. Burgers' Hours
Monday - Friday:
8:30am - 5pm
4725 N Federal Hwy,
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
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