Breast Anatomy
Breasts are comprised of glandular tissue and supportive tissues.
The glandular tissue is made up of lobules that produce milk and ducts that transport the milk. There are multiple ducts and these open up at tiny openings on the nipple.
The nipple is surrounded by the dark colored skin called the areola. This is to help newborns find their source of food. Also, on the areola there are opening for sweat glands, called Montgomery glands. These help to lubricate the nipple and create a scent that newborns can smell to find the nipple.
The supportive elements are a combination of fat and connective tissue. Ligaments within the connective tissue attach to the chest wall or pectoralis muscle.
Just like the rest of the body, within the breast run blood vessels, nerves and the lymphatic system. The lymph system is the filtration system for the body to help fight infection and drain to lymph nodes. The main lymph node drainage for the breast is in the axilla/armpit.
The amount and arrangement of the glandular tissue and supportive tissue is what determines breast density. “Dense breasts” are completely normal, but sometimes make it more difficult to see abnormalities on a mammogram- which is why radiologists are required to comment on it in your imaging report.
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4725 N Federal Hwy,
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
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