(954) 542 - 6700 info@drjessicaburgers.com

Nipple Sparing Mastectomy

What if you could have a mastectomy but have your reconstructed breast look like your breast before surgery?

A nipple sparing mastectomy offers that possibility. Since breast cancer can spread along the ducts of the breast, surgical oncologist used to assume that the nipple and areola needed to be removed to achieve the best cancer operation.

Further studies of anatomy revealed that the very superficial portion of the nipple is really just modified skin and that it can be preserved. Although we have great ways to reconstruct nipples, saving your own areola and nipple skin may be an option to consider.

Not all women are candidates for nipple sparing mastectomy, but Dr Burgers can review your cancer type and breast anatomy to see if this technique is right for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I have to stay overnight in the hospital?

A: Yes –in most cases, only 1 night. with a mastectomy you will have drains, small plastic tubes to evacuate fluid that may build up under the surgery site. You will need to monitored one night in the hospital and you will receive education and home health resources for taking care of the drains.

Q: How long will the drain be in?

A: Typically 1-2weeks. It is very important to keep track of the drain output. Click here for a chart you can use.

Q: Will I have sensation in the nipple?

A: In most cases, no. Typically, the main sensory nerves to the nipple run through the breast tissue that is removed during the mastectomy.

However, in specific cases some patients may be candidates for “nipple-sparing, nerve-sparing” mastectomy. In this scenario, Dr Burgers preserves as much of the nerve going to the nipple as possible and the plastic surgeon places a nerve grafts to restore natural sensation.  Dr Burgers can review your cancer location and breast anatomy to see if this specialized technique is right for you.

Q: How long do I need off of work?

A: It depends on the type of work you do. The main limitation after surgery is to lifting, pulling, pushing. No lifting anything more than 10 lbs for 2 weeks. If your work is mostly office based, you will probably want at least 2 weeks off to rest and recover.

Q: How do I prepare for surgery?

A: Since you will go home with drains, it is nice to be prepared with clothing that are front closure- like button up shirts and zip-up jackets. You are provided with a garment to go home with following surgery that has holders for the drain. Crafty women online also make special belts and pouches that can help carry the drains that may be good alternate options if you are interested.

We look forward to meeting you!


(954) 542-6700

Dr. Burgers' Hours

Monday - Friday:
8:30am - 5pm

4725 N Federal Hwy,
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308

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